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How much does it cost to create an app?

How much does it cost to create an app?

The only correct answer is: it depends.

From experience, we can say that few know what is behind an app development project and many underestimate its difficulties. Developing an app takes time, professionalism and a good variety of skills. Below we will try to give orders of magnitude, but let’s start from the basics.

What is an app?

An app is a project developed for a specific purpose and target. It requires several design phases and always stems from an idea that, at best, intends to solve a problem or simplify a process. An app is created with the aim of offering the users a simplified browsing experience while increasing their involvement (thanks to push notifications, for example). An app is not a website, in other words it must have features optimized for mobile devices.

The cost range of an app

As anticipated, the cost of an app depends on a variety of factors, in this case, the specifics of the project. The range is wide and can range from a few thousand to tens or hundreds of thousands of euros. Different types of apps correspond to different development methods and languages ​​used.

Other variables that affect the cost are:

– App infrastructure

– Number of pages

– Predisposition for one or more languages

– Design

– User interaction tools

– Maintenance

– Subscription to one or more app stores and eventual promotion of the app

Finally, it is necessary to take into account any customer requests for additional installations and features not included in the initial project (when creating a tailor-made project, this often occurs).

What has the greatest impact on the cost of an app?

1. App infrastructure: native or hybrid?

Do you need an app for iOS or Android? Or for both?

Do you want to publish it in one (or both) of the stores or is it an app aimed at internal use within the company?

A native app is developed for a single platform (iOS or Android), using the language of the operating system manufacturer (Apple and Google guidelines respectively). Native apps usually cost more because you need to write the programming code twice.

The main advantage involved concerns the integration of the programming language with the potential of the device, which translates into a specific user experience for the system.

Hybrid apps, on the other hand, require you to convert a single source code into 2 different apps. They are faster to develop (and therefore cheaper) and are ideal for business environments where the app is not required to manage complex graphics processing.

2. Tailor made design

Design represents a fundamental cost item. Making the important premise that design must in any case favor usability and improve the user experience, we can say that for company apps’ internal use, tailor made design is not strictly necessary, while it can have greater relevance for apps to be published in stores that intend to reach the general public. In general, the greater the graphic specifications required for visual design, the greater the time and cost.

3. User management

User registration free or by invitation? (The one by invitation is the cheapest). Free registration implies development of registration forms together with user support procedures and privacy guarantee (psw change and user cancellation).

Opportunity (most expensive of all) to log in via Google, facebook, Apple ID. It needs approval from several providers. Parameter impacting on the maintenance costs of the app. High number of users means greater commitment in terms of servers, backups, technical assistance. It is the most comfortable for users.

4. Maintenance costs

These are all cost items related to database management, hosting, servers, technical assistance, updates, bug fixes, third-party app support and performance improvements. The amount of work involved is substantial and requires a realistic estimate of the recurring costs in order not to risk going at a loss. Usually, one-year service packages are expected.

5. Development of new features

The web is constantly and, above all, rapidly evolving, like smartphone technologies. This means that incompatibilities, bugs and penalties can occur all the time. The categorical imperative is to correct them immediately before losing existing and potential users. And, again speaking of users, it is normal for them to expect updates and new features over time. I mean, you have to keep on or offer something new if you want to maintain relationships with your community and earn its loyalty.


In light of the above, you may understand our frustration in reading the search key create free apps. Summing up, the cost range of an app varies considerably based on multiple factors. Each request involves a certain amount of work (rarely are interventions lasting a few minutes) and must be counted.

At Peritus we set up the work in such a way as to accompany the customer in the phases of analysis, development and design, debugging, marketing and assistance. If such an approach is what you need, contact us without obligation! We will do what we can to help you.

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